Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lila December

December has been an exciting month! I am sitting up without any help and am almost crawling. I can get up on my hands and knees, I can move backward and turn in a circle but I am still trying to figure out how to move forward.

I started solid foods- my first food besides cereal was sweet peas. I liked the peas, but did not like green beans, squash, sweet potatoes or carrots. They taste funny and feel weird in my mouth. Finally Mommy gave me bananas and mmmm they were good. I'm not sure if I like apple sauce yet, but I think I will give it another try.

Mommy swore she wouldn't post pictures with food all over my face, but once it happened she couldn't resist.

I saw my first snow!

Aren't I cute in my winter hat?


Patti G said...

How in the world is Lia THAT cute?? I mean I know her folks are cute but she is so beautiful! Love your blog, love your pics.

Sandra and Don said...

Waiiting for more pics, Jen and Jason!!! Aunt Cindy


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