During the sonogram, she stuck her tongue out at us!
Once they switched over to the 3D sonogram, she covered her face with her hands so we didn't get too many good shots this time. We really like our ultrasound tech, it is a treat that she does the 3D sonograms for us. It is not medically necessary to do, so we really appreciate it.
Congrats to our friends Cory and Lindsay on their new arrival this weekend, Baby Juliet. She and Baby Whitesell are only going to be 2 months apart and we're excited that they'll get to grow up together. They already have matching Virginia Tech tutus and are all set for their first VT game this fall!
Also, happy early birthday to Jason! We went to the National's baseball game today for his birthday- we had awesome seats a few rows above the dugout but the Nat's lost in the 9th (no surprise, they've only won one so far this year).

I love that photo of you guys - you look amazing as always.
Sexy mamma!! Love this picture!!
I love the picture of you and Jason at the ballpark!!! You look so cute and happy! And there is Jason ready to protect you (both) with his glove!!! :)
OH MY GOODNESS....stop it right now! This is just too much, seriously.
I just love you guys. Thank you for making my day.
My heart!
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